As we all know and have been told over and over, climate change is a huge issue that is causing temperatures to rise, storms to become more severe, and threatening our planet’s future.
But there’s hope! Every year, countries from all around the world gather at a big meeting called COP, or the Conference of the Parties, to figure out how to fight climate change.

This year’s 28th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change meeting will be held from November 30 to December 12 in the United Arab Emirates.

cop28 meeting that will be held in uae dubai

Who are these parties?

The parties participating in this event are those that have signed an important agreement called the Paris Agreement. In the Paris Agreement, all these countries promised to work together to limit global warming and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Why is COP 28 so important?

COP 28 is important because the world is facing a climate emergency. The earth is getting hotter, and if we don’t do something about it, things will get worse.
By attending COP 28 and making important decisions, countries can help stop some of the worst effects of climate change.

What to Expect at COP 28?

Why Should You Care About COP 28?

Now, you might be wondering why COP 28 matters to you. Here’s why:
  1. Your Future: Climate change affects everyone, especially young people like you. The decisions made at COP 28 will impact your future. You have a right to be part of the conversation about how to protect the planet for generations to come.  
  2. Clean Air and Water: COP 28 can help make the air we breathe cleaner and the water we drink safer. It’s about making our world healthier and more livable.
  3. Economic Opportunities: Fighting climate change can also create new jobs and business opportunities. It’s not just about protecting the environment; it’s about building a better economy too.
  4. Global Unity: COP 28 is a time when countries work together for a common goal. It shows that when the world unites, we can achieve big things. It’s a lesson in cooperation and diplomacy that you can learn from.

How Can You Get Involved?

Even if you’re not a world leader or a climate expert, you can still make a difference and be part of COP 28:
  1. Stay Informed: Learn about climate change and what’s happening at COP 28. There are many resources and websites that explain the latest news and developments.  
  2. Support Climate-Friendly Policies: Talk to your local leaders and encourage them to support policies that fight climate change, like renewable energy and better public transportation.  
  3. Reduce Your Own Carbon Footprint: Small changes in your daily life can make a big difference. Use less plastic, recycle, save energy, and reduce waste.  
  4. Raise Your Voice: Join or support youth organizations and climate activists who are working to bring attention to the climate crisis.  


COP 28 in 2023 is a critical moment in our fight against climate change. It’s a chance for countries to come together, make important decisions, and take meaningful actions to protect our planet.
But it’s not just a meeting for world leaders; it’s an event that affects us all.
By understanding why COP 28 is important and what to expect, you can be part of the global effort to combat climate change.
Your future, the health of our planet, and the well-being of generations to come depend on the actions taken at events like COP 28.